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Partnering in Education + Innovation @ Memfault MeetUp

packetcraft presentation on whats new in bluetooth memfault meetup
Jason Hillyard, Packetcraft VP of Business Development, Memfault Presentation Sep 6, 2023

Memfault, an IoT reliability platform that empowers teams to build more robust devices with software at scale, hosted a San Diego Firmware MeetUp at University of San Diego in the Degheri Alumni Center on September 6. These community events serve as an additional platform through which Memfault demonstrates its commitment to supporting the embedded community and elevating the principles of device reliability engineering (DRE).

Packetcraft was asked to speak about what's new in Bluetooth. Covering topics like LE Audio, PAwR and Channel Sounding, Packetcraft VP of Business Development, Jason Hillyard, shared a few details and capabilities of Bluetooth's developing tech.

Memfault's second San Diego Firmware Meetup was marked by incredible audience feedback regarding the presentations, with attendees describing the talks as 'cutting-edge', 'very informative', and overall 'brilliant'. The presentation from Packetcraft, Inc. on "What's New in Bluetooth" stood out as one of the highlights of the night. Packetcraft's insightful content showcased the ongoing innovation within Bluetooth technology and prompted an in-depth discussion among attendees, who were excited to explore the latest advancements in LE Audio, Bluetooth 5.4 PAwR, Channel Sounding, and beyond.

~ Matti Watt, Memfault Event Director

Thank you to those who came to the event, those who shared interest/eagerness for what's new and a special thanks to Memfault for the invitation to partner in education and innovation within the embedded community.

If you are interested in a pdf version of the slides from Packetcraft's presentation or want to be kept posted with Bluetooth developments, subscribe to our Packetcraft newsletter.


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