Tester Products
Packetcraft created a set of tools for internal engineering development and productization and these software tools are now available to valued licensees to supplement Packetcraft Host, Packetcraft Controller, and Packetcraft LC3 software solutions.
The tools are software protocol testers with up to thousands of scripted test cases. Packetcraft’s test solution include Packetcraft’s CI tools which can be integrated into a software development flow for continuous integration testing. An example software development flow is included.
Protocol Stack & Profiles Tester with CI Integration
Packetcraft Host Tester is the companion test tool to Packetcraft Host, allowing Packetcraft’s host protocol stack and profiles to be tested via a PC with a versatile Python-based test interface. Packetcraft Host Tester can interface to PTS, the official qualification tool released by Bluetooth SIG, to perform automated execution of Bluetooth qualification test cases.
Since Packetcraft Host Tester executes the protocol stack and profiles on a PC, testing is unaffected by limitations or idiosyncrasies of a target hardware platform. Packetcraft Host Tester includes more than 2,000 Bluetooth 5.4 qualification, profile, GAP, SMP, GATT, L2CAP, and application test cases and offers an additional optional 1,000+ LE Audio profile qualification test cases. CI tools implement an example software development flow with package, test, analyze, & publish.
Packetcraft Controller Tester Features
• Bluetooth 5.4 host protocol stack and GATT profile qualification test suite with optional Bluetooth LE Audio profile test suite
• Executes one or more instances of the stack and profiles on a PCwith an automatically-generated Python wrapper interface to stack and profile APIs
• Connects to Bluetooth HCI controller device via UART HCI
• Test harness that runs test cases on multiple instances
• CI test tools written in Python and Bash are adaptable to 3rd party CI software (GoCD, Bamboo, Jenkins, etc.)
• Customizable test scripts written in Python
• Runs on Windows and built with Microsoft Visual Studio
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Protocol Tester with CI Integration
Packetcraft Controller Tester is a versatile and powerful software tool offering both protocol testing and tools for Continuous Integration (CI). The tool tests the Bluetooth link layer and optionally the 802.15.4 MAC via the standard Bluetooth HCI interface. This custom Python-based tool, originally developed by Packetcraft’s engineers for internal development and validation, offers several thousand test cases including hundreds of unique test cases for qualification, protocol feature, robustness, soak, and system testing.
The companion software test tool to Packetcraft Controller, Packetcraft Controller Tester can validate a port of Packetcraft Controller to a target silicon platform. As a standalone software test tool, it can interface to and test any Bluetooth Low Energy chip with a standard HCI interface and runs on commercially available low-cost Bluetooth hardware.CI tools implement an example software development flow with package, test, analyze, & publish.
Packetcraft Controller Tester Features
• Approximately 2,000 test cases for qualification including custom tests for feature, robustness, soak, and system testing
• Test harness that configures physical fixture, configures runtime parameters, and manages logging
• Connects to target device via UART HCI
• Can integrate into software development flow for CI; includes example flow
• CI test tools written in Python and Bash are adaptable to 3rd party CI software (GoCD, Bamboo, Jenkins, etc.)
• Customizable test scripts written in Python
• Runs on Linux, Mac, or Windows 10 with WSL
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LC3 Development and Qualification Tester
The Packetcraft LC3 Tester is a custom test tool developed by Packetcraft’s engineers for internal development and is being offered as an optional companion tool supporting Packetcraft LC3. Packetcraft LC3 Tester is a PC-based test application written in Python that interfaces to an embedded board running the LC3 codec allowing:
• Validation
• Characterization
• Qualification
Packetcraft’s LC3 solution supports demanding audio use cases running multiple codec instances on a single processor, without requiring a dedicated DSP.
This test tool supports your development by providing insight into codec testing, profiling and optimization. Packetcraft LC3 Tester is one of several test tools being offered to support your development and commercialization efforts along with Packetcraft Host Tester and Packetcraft Controller Tester.
Packetcraft LC3 Tester Features
• Designed to interface with Bluetooth SIG’s LC3 conformance tools
• Test scripts provided in support of qualification
• CPU utilization measurements are supported using test scripts
• Customizable test scripts written in Python
• Allows embedded on-target codec testing and profiling
• Command-line mode for transfer of audio data to/from files
• Runs on Linux, Mac, or Windows 10 with WSL
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