In a recent two-part series, Audiotelligence interviewed hearing expert, Andrew Bellavia, founder of AuraFuturity, on the topic of Bluetooth LE Audio. Bellavia brings decades of experience in the hearables space and provides thoughtful dialogue about BLE, the projection of phasing out classic and how the perception of hearing needs and opportunities for technology and devices are changing.
PART ONE | Features + Benefits
PART TWO | Adoption, Application and Future Projection
AudioTelligence develops and licenses intellectual property to clients in the consumer electronics sector. Our solutions for audio are suitable for embedding in consumer devices and can be used in smartphones and tablets, automotive products, hearing assistance devices, and voice communications systems. AudioTelligence’s team uniquely combines research excellence and deep technical expertise with extensive commercial and scale-up experience. We have developed Blind Source Separation (BSS) technology for multi-microphone captured audio which works in the real world and is uniquely valuable for selecting sound signals in noisy environments. Our BSS is the foundation for our full suite of audio products which together solve the pain points for customers whose products rely on distinguishing clear audio signals.
Andrew Bellavia. Prior to founding AuraFuturity, Andrew had previous experience in international sales, marketing, product management, and general management. Audio has been both of abiding interest and a market he served professionally in these roles. Andrew has been deeply embedded in the hearables space since the beginning and is recognized as a thought leader in the convergence of hearables and hearing health. He has been a strong advocate for hearing care innovation and accessibility, work made more personal when he faced his own hearing loss and sought treatment. All these skills and experiences are brought to bear at AuraFuturity, providing go-to-market, branding, and content services to the dynamic and growing hearables, hearing health, and broader communication spaces. Like origins stories? Here's mine.